Mario Batali believes that olive oil is as precious as gold, shorts are acceptable attire for every season and food, like most things, is best when left to its own simple beauty. To that end, Mario creates magic night after night in his many New York City Italian hot spots, the flagship of which is Babbo Ristorante e Enoteca, an award-winning Greenwich Village restaurant where Mario has seamlessly combined traditional Italian principles with intelligent culinary adventure since June 1998. Food Network
I'm so lucky to live on the east coast. We have some of the world's best cooks!! I had the pleasure of eating at Babbo Ristorante and actuallyat Casa Mono for a couple of weeks. The food at Bobbo was so tasty!!
Another Wednsday night with Top Chef. I'm counting the seconds. So who do you think it's going to this time around. My money is on Sara. She's easy on the eyes but has not shown much as far as handeling her business behind the staove. So let's wait and see.
This where the magic happens!!! Cafe Metro is like my second home. As many chefs out there know, I'm the first one in and the last one to go. I've been cooking at Cafe Metro for six years. Our menu is very diverse, there's something for everyone. There's lots to choose for vegetarians and vegan alike. There is not too many options in this area for fellow vegetarians. I've been a veg head for 14 years so I know all the eateries in the area.
Tom ColicchioBIO FROM CRAFT.COM Chef/Owner Craft Restaurants & Wichcraft
Tom Colicchio, born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, spent his childhood immersed in food, cooking with his mother and grandmother. It was his father, however, who suggested that he make a career of it. Tom taught himself to cook with the help of Jacques Pepin's legendary illustrated manuals on French cooking, La Technique and La Methode. At the age of seventeen, Tom made his kitchen debut in his native town of Elizabeth at Evelyn's Seafood Restaurant.
"I am Chinese American. My mother was born in China and she moved with her family to the Philippines when she was a child. My dad is second generation Chinese. So I guess I’m about 100% (laughs). I was born and raised in upstate New York. " Read More
If you ask me, I think Lee Anne Wong is one of the better cooks from season 1. Both Harold and Lee Anne displayed near flawless technique. I hope to see her have her own show soon. Good luck to you where ever you are!!!
Flay is also an Iron Chef on the show Iron Chef America. In 2000, when the original Iron Chef show traveled to New York for a special battle, he challenged Iron Chef MasaharuMorimoto for Battle Rock Crab. After the hour battle ended, Flay stood on top of his cutting board and made the "raise the roof" gesture with the cheering audience. Not realizing that all cooking instruments are sacred in Japan, he offended Iron Chef Morimoto who criticized his professionalism, saying that Flay was "not a chef." Flay went on to lose the battle. Flay challenged Morimoto to a rematch in Morimoto's native Japan. In this battle, at the end of the hour, Flay threw his cutting board across the room and stood on the counter yet again to raise the roof with the audience. This time, Flay won. Though they share a heated past, Flay and Morimoto, who are both Iron Chefs on Iron Chef America, are now friends. [2] They even teamed--and won--against fellow Iron Chefs Mario Batali and Hiroyuki Sakai in the Iron Chef America: Battle of the Masters "Tag Team" battle. On a November 2006 episode of Iron Chef America, Flay and Giada De Laurentiis faced off against, and were defeated by, Rachael Ray and Mario Batali. Flay uses mango in almost every episode of Iron Chef America and he regularly refers to honey as his secret ingredient.
Food is food!!! I don't care if you stand on your cutting board. As long as it's after I eat!!!
ANTHONY BOURDAIN is one crazy dude Think about it???? He travels the world, eats exotic food and answers to no one. Bastard!!!! Dubbed "the bad boy of cuisine" for his rock-star look and blunt observations about the world of restaurants, chefs and cooking, Anthony Bourdain is not your typical celebrity chef. A 28-year veteran of professional kitchens, Bourdain is currently the executive chef at New York’s famed bistro, Les Halles. Bourdain entertains and educates with his exotic tales of travel and lessons learned from the kitchen trenches. He shares his passion on topics ranging from "Great Cuisines: The Common Thread" to the celebrity chef phenomenon and the culture of cooking. He also imparts his drill-sergeant approach to running a kitchen, which he shared with the Harvard Business Review, in "Management by Fire: A Conversation With Chef Anthony Bourdain." "The fantastic mix of order and chaos," he says, "demands a rigid hierarchy and a sacrosanct code of conduct, where punctuality, loyalty, teamwork and discipline are key to producing consistently good food."
Wednesday was the start of more kitchen drama craziness. I like the fact that they can all cook. The Judges were ruthless. I'm excited to see what tricks they have up theirsleeves.
My pick for season 3 winner is Tre.
Don't judge him from this picture, Tre can cook his ass off and he seems to have a cool head. The judges always keep that in mind.
By shaping cakes with drill saws and blow torches and staffing his bakery with fellow rock musicians, Duff Goldman is not your typical baker. Yet he's one of the most sought after cake makers in the country. From a tilted Dr. Seuss-like-seven-tiered-wedding cake to an almost perfect replica of Wrigley Field, he and his team of artists dish up sugar and spice in the most unexpected and entertaining ways.
I just don't get it. I tried watching the show but.....
Mabey you know why I should like this show? Let me know!
Robert Irvine has been Executive Chef for Donald Trump’s Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort and for Caesars Atlantic City in Atlantic City. He was Head Chef of a team of superstar chefs, including Ming Tsai, Todd English and Roberto Donna, at the 2005 Academy Awards dinner for the Children Uniting Nations charity event, hosted by Paula Abdul and Wyclef Jean.
If you could combine James Bond with MacGyver, you would get Robert Irvine, a real life chef extraordinaire and the host of Dinner: Impossible. Each week, Robert (with the help of his two sous-chefs, George and George) is thrown a new culinary curveball and the team must figure out a way to solve their challenge before time runs out. From making dinner for 150 passengers aboard a luxury locomotive to recreating an authentic 18th century meal, will he succeed or will it truly be, Dinner: Impossible?
Click Here To Watch Video Clip Tic for tac... This was a classic episode. I knew from the start that season two had no chance. I sayin, it wasn't a drama contest. I'm not sayin that season 2 doesn't have talent. I've always backed up Frodo and Shaggy. If you ask me Ilan is lacks technique, he knows how to cook a great meal though.
As for Marcel and his rapping debut. I'd stick to foams!!
This Wednesday is going to rock. I hope there's more cooking and less drama. Although there looks like a lot of cry babies in this group. Let's see what happens.
Last nights show was great. The chefs made the meals of the season. I'm very impressed with Marcel's' creation. I would have licked my plate. It was sad to see Sam go, not because he made the best food but because he was Top Chef material.
I Spent 10 days at the Waikoloa Village, Hawaii. Let me be the first to tell you, If you have the money, spend it in Hawaii. The food was delish and the people were wonderful. Hawaii is the type of place where I would spend the rest of my life.
The Japanese version of Iron Chef is so much more challenging then the American version. There, I said it! Give me a turkey and I could do just as good as Mario Batali.
Besides my issues with the ingredients, there's the issue of the show itself. The Japanese show had a dark medievalfeel to it witch made it very attractive to "chefs". The truth is that the "battle" feel of the original Iron Chef is long gone.
The one thing I like about the new show is Alton Brown. His strange behavior lightens up the show.
I just don't get it! Why would you shave such a nice head of hair? We live in a wacky world. I know that there's a lot of guys and gals out there that like this look. Not this guy! I still like hair on women( well you know what I'm sayin). Top Chef tomorrow night, who's gettin the boot?
Sushi has to be the best meal ever. I love to venture out to NYC and hit up the best of the best. Sushi Samba put a little Latin twist on sushi. I've eaten at the Miami restaurant and found it to be a extremely pleasant experience. Is it me or does sushi have a sexy side to it. There's something about the delicate flavors that get me in the mood.
I live to cook and provide humans with the best eating experiance! I work at Cafe Metro in NJ. I've been cookin for 17 years and love it. This blog is for other chefs and regualr folk looking to chat about FOOOOOD.